Monday, October 7, 2013

Number 1 Horror Film

For me this is the ultimate horror film. It is also one of the crowning achievements of the entire motion picture industry! Unique, over the top, and the ultimate examination in celluloid form about Christian ideology. I refuse to believe that anyone can watch this film alone at midnight and get to bed right away. If you can you I am not sure that I want to know why you were not emotionally disturbed by what you saw. There is no horror film better then The Exorcist in my opinion and perhaps no film has ever been better then this one. William Freidkin's masterpiece! Domestically it is the most finically successful horror film of all time and the ninth highest grossing film of all time when e adjust for inflation. No other film will come close to being what The Exorcist was and continues to be!


  1. I could not agree more, this film scares me the same way today as it did 20 years ago. I made the mistake of youtube-ing real life exorcisms and scared myself half to death. This film isn't based on real life but there is just enough in the realm of reality to get you to believe it is possible and that is why it works so well.
    I re-watched it last week for your class and picked up on some more stuff that I didn't see before and now it freaks me out even more. Did the demon change the movie? How did I never see that before? Now I think there is a ghost in my house! I put up a camera and check out what I found

  2. John awesome job! You got some real talent. You should make you continue to develop and expand upon the awesome documentary that you made as well. Proud of you.
    Professor Giordano
