Friday, March 8, 2013

Film Lists

Check out these lists!

Very interesting list of underrated films of the 2000s.

Some "Kids" movies are more disturbing then most of the films in the Saw franchise.


  1. "Kids" stuff is sometimes really messed up. Check out the last episode of "Tom and Jerry"

    Tom and jerry commit suicide by sitting on train tracks waiting for the train to kill them. Some way to go?


    PS Dumbo is one of the most racist things I have even seen and as a kid you don't pick up on it at all.

  2. As someone who has seen Dumbo many times you are very right about that!

  3. There are some films on the "Top 50 Underrated Films of the 2000s" that I would have not expected to see there. Simply because I didn't think they were good. But maybe I just didn't understand the films at the time that I saw them.

    Also, I would have to agree with children's films and shows being disturbing. There are so many undertones that we miss when we are young.

    Samantha Catalano
