Thursday, April 4, 2013

Disney Sucks!

Disney has decided to essentially eliminate Lucas Arts and use the name as a way to allow other gamemakers to make games for them while using the LucasArts title to sell those games. This is a massive side effect that George Lucas is 100% responsible for! This time thanks to the sale to Disney he cost a lot of people their job and essentially let an excellent company be destroyed. This is a terible day for video games. I am livid at Disney for doing this becuase they took the easy way out from a business persepctive. Ratehr then use this compnay and reinvent it to make moeny off of it they took the cheap fix. Essentialy lay off everybody and license it out. Absolute disgrace. They did the same thing with The Clone Wars series! Thanks George for allwoign Disney to essentially steal your franchise for a pultry amount of money and then let itcost a lot of hardworking people their jobs. Is Industrail Light and Magic next?


  1. It also means that Star Wars 1313 may not come out, which looked like it was going to put the franchise's video games back on the map:

  2. Boba Fett was supposd to be the protagonist too! I was not happy at all about that! I finished Death Note and I loved the ending! What were people upset with?
