Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Top Female Television Characters

Checking in at number 4 is Michonne. Few characters have been ever been able to live up to the hype that surrounds them and fortunately this is not the case with bad ass Michonne. Her introduction into the series was mind blowing and her continued character development is one of the things that makes The Walking Dead such a fascinating show. When Michonne speaks, which is rare, you listen very closely because what she has to say always matters. An excellent character played by an exceptional actress Danai Gurira. It is impossibly to get tired of watching her slicing up zombies and sometimes people with her katana blade!


  1. Professor,
    This series has become my guilty pleasure. I am hooked. I couldn't agree with you more that Michonne brings a new dynamic to the series. She really draws you in and you definitely want to hear what she has to say. I am still watching Season 3 so I am currently on the edge of my seat. I just don't know what I am going to do with myself once it is all said and done. I guess I will have to re watch to see any of those missed moments that you can always find the second time around. Definitely worth watching.

  2. The show does get better with each season in my opinion. Who is your favorite character?
    Professor Giordano

  3. Michonne is definitely one of the best female characters in Walking Dead. She sees things for what they are and doesn't try to think any different. She is extremely strong and independent. It's nice to have one female character that has her head on straight during the zombie apocalypse.

    Samantha Catalano
